Dreamlight High School


General Information about Private Schools Accreditation in state of Florida and National regulation in the United States of America.


The Florida Department of Education does not accredit, regulate, approve, or license K-12 private schools. Additionally, the Florida Department of Education does not officially recognize any of the various agencies that accredit private schools. Registration for private schools can be found at: http://www.floridaschoolchoice.org/Information/PrivateSchoolDirectory/Default.aspx

Dreamlight High School encourages students to visit this link above if you want to collect some information from the School Choice in the state of Florida. Dreamlight is registered with the Florida Department of Education as a private high school to serve its community. Therefore, the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) provides Dreamlight high school a Registered Code#8939.

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is the part of the United States Department of Education‘s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) that collects, analyzes, and publishes statistics on education and public school district finance information in the United States provides Dreamlight High School a Registered #ID:BB180689.


Dreamlight High School is fully complying with state and national regulations to print diplomas as a high school body.