Dreamlight High School

“Loremy’s Vision for the Dropouts and Immigrant Students”

“Loremy’s Vision for the Dropouts and Immigrant Students”

Dr. Loremy’s vision is for all adults’ dropouts or immigrants who did not have the chance to earn a high school diploma to have one. Dreamlight High School will embrace all students who did not finish their classes to return back to complete their programs. Dreamlight gives everyone the opportunity to earn a standard diploma and learn what you have been wanting to learn when you were young growing up. Keep in mind, wherever you are you can take classes from our school if you speak English. Though, you will receive a U.S. standard diploma that will print on your behalf if you can prove that you are human. We know that there are many people who immigrated and had great education in the country where they came from, but when they entered another country that does not speak the same language as the country they were born in, sometimes they are slow about the choices they would have to gain a good life. At Dreamlight High School invites all foreign professionals, such as professors, police officers, lawyers, secretaries, businessmen, agronomists, electricians, drivers, pastors, medical doctors, nurses, designers, technicians, and others to visit our school website www.dreamlighthighschool.com where we can gather together to lead you to another life, empower you to claim the life you have been dreaming long time ago. I know it is not easy for everyone to collect all the information they will need to go back to school from their previous school in their native country. Many also spend more money before the papers even come to them for an evaluation. There is also nothing that says the school you attended 10 to 20 years ago was recognized by the education department from your country. Dreamlight has a simple solution for you which is an evaluation test. Dreamlight will help you “Scratch to Finish” to find all the things that cannot be found to issue you a standard diploma. We guarantee that you will spend less money and time from our institution to earn a U.S. high school diploma where you can go to any trade schools’ colleges or universities where you can learn at your desire. Being an immigrant does not mean that you cannot learn anything from the country you are currently living in, but from Dr. Loremy’s experiences as an immigrant you must obey and follow all the country’s regulations. A recommendation from Dr. Loremy, if you are an immigrant, make sure that you learn the language of the country you immigrated to as the first priority and obligation to yourselves. Though, if you are an immigrant that is living in the United States you have the obligation to learn and speak English accordingly.  Therefore, the United States of America offers many advantages and opportunities that you can take and enjoy if you are willing to follow all the requirements.